Seamless Multithreading with Python Events: A Complete Guide

4 min readMar 7, 2024


In Python, events typically refer to synchronization primitives provided by the threading module for coordinating communication between threads. Specifically, the threading.

Event class provides a simple way to communicate between threads using a flag that can be set or cleared.

Here are the key features of Python events:

  • Signaling Mechanism — Events act as a signaling mechanism between threads. One thread can set an event, while other threads can wait for that event to be set before proceeding with their execution.
  • Wait and Set Operations — Threads can wait for an event to be set using the wait() method, which blocks until the event is set. Once set, the event remains set until it is explicitly cleared. The event can be cleared using the clear() method.
  • Thread Synchronization — Events are often used for synchronization between threads. They allow one thread to indicate that a certain condition has occurred, and other threads can respond to that condition accordingly.
  • State Management — Events have two states: set and clear. Initially, an event is in the clear state. When a thread sets the event, it transitions to the set state. Other threads waiting for the event will be unblocked once it’s set.

Here’s a basic example demonstrating the use of events

import threading
import time

def wait_for_event(event):
print("Thread is waiting for the event to be set")
event.wait() # Wait until the event is set
print("Event has been set, continuing execution...")

event = threading.Event()
thread = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_event, args=(event,))

time.sleep(2) # Simulate some work being done

event.set() # Set the event


Events enable threads to wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding with their execution. This helps in managing concurrency and prevents race conditions where multiple threads access shared resources simultaneously.

Here’s an example demonstrating how events can help threads wait for specific conditions before proceeding, thereby preventing race conditions when accessing shared resources

import threading
import time

class SharedResource:
def __init__(self):
self.value = 0
self.event = threading.Event()

def increment(self):
# Wait for the event to be set before incrementing
self.value += 1
print(f"Incremented value to {self.value}")

def thread_function(shared_resource):
# Perform some work
print("Thread is trying to increment shared resource...")

# Increment the shared resource

# Create a shared resource object
shared_resource = SharedResource()

# Create multiple threads
threads = []
for _ in range(5):
thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(shared_resource,))

# Simulate some delay before allowing threads to increment

# Set the event, allowing threads to proceed with incrementing
print("Allowing threads to increment shared resource...")

# Wait for all threads to finish
for thread in threads:

print("All threads have finished.")

We import the threading module to work with threads and the time module for introducing delays.

import threading
import time

We define a class called SharedResource, which represents the resource that multiple threads will access. In this example, the shared resource is a simple integer value. The class also contains an Event object to coordinate access to the resource.

def __init__(self):
self.value = 0
self.event = threading.Event()
def increment(self):
self.event.wait() # Wait for the event to be set
self.value += 1
print(f"Incremented value to {self.value}")

We define a function called thread_function, which represents the task that each thread will perform. In this case, it waits for some time and then attempts to increment the shared resource.

def thread_function(shared_resource):
time.sleep(1) # Simulate some work
print("Thread is trying to increment shared resource…")

We create an instance of the SharedResource class, which will be shared among multiple threads.

shared_resource = SharedResource()

We create multiple threads, each targeting the thread_function and passing the shared resource object as an argument. Then, we start each thread.

threads = []
for _ in range(5):
thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(shared_resource,))

We introduce a delay of 2 seconds to simulate some initial processing before allowing threads to increment the shared resource.
After the delay, we set the event using shared_resource.event.set(), allowing all waiting threads to proceed with their execution and increment the shared resource.

print("Allowing threads to increment shared resource…")

Finally, we wait for all threads to finish executing using thread.join().

for thread in threads:
print("All threads have finished.")

This example demonstrates how events can be used to coordinate access to shared resources among multiple threads, ensuring that they wait for specific conditions before proceeding, thus preventing race conditions.

