Designing PCB for 4 Channel LM35 Sensor amplifier using Kicad 6.0

Apr 7, 2022


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we will learn how to design a double sided PCB composed of through hole components using Kicad 6.0 .

Full Playlist of our Circuit design tutorial using Kicad 6.0 can be found here.

Circuit Diagram, Kicad Project etc can be downloaded from our website

Design a PCB for LM35 amplifier using Kicad 6.0

The board will be capable of amplifying signals from 4 independent LM 35 temperature sensors and can be used as an analog front end for microcontrollers like ATmega328P,MSP430 or the Arduino UnoArduino mega boards.

This is a full 1 hour course on PCB designing using the latest Kicad 6.0 EDA.

Full Playlist of our Circuit design tutorial using Kicad 6.0 can be found here.



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